Phase 1 Details

Process: Initial Consult --> Phase 1 --> Phase 2 --> Phase 3 --> DONE!

Phase 1 is the inital design stage that gets the whole design process moving. Prior to Phase 1 will be the initial consultation where we'll cover alot of the details and concepts and ideas of the project. After Phase 1 will be Phase 2 where we'll begin 'redlining' the plans.

During Phase 1 the ideas gathered and discussed at the initial consultation, including concepts and pictures and plans and other ideas are used as a basis to get the initial conceptual rough floorplan put together. This first rough draft of a plan can be pretty 'rough' indeed, and certainly won't be 'pretty' in comparison to the final documents at the end of the entire process. Just know that the process works and use this first step as a starting point or initial stepping stone.

While CastleGateDesign puts together the first rough draft, we first focus on the footprint, the Square Footage (SF), the flow of the spaces, and, in the event of a smaller lot, how the footprint sits/fits on the lot. We take into account views and natural light and accessibility, as well as how the roof might work (which we'll work on in a future step).

The product of Phase 1 will just be a conceptual rough draft of the main floorplan (and sometimes the upper plans).

Here are a few initial points you can expect during Phase 1:
Begins when the client signs the agreement and makes the deposit payment.
Takes about 2 weeks (plus or minus a couple of days)
The product of Phase 1 is a rough floorplan (or 2)
This first draft will be pretty rough and not pretty yet
Is the first step towards begining the redline process during Phase 2
Ends when CastleGate Design sends you your first rough floorplan(s)

Process: Initial Consult --> Phase 1 --> Phase 2 --> Phase 3 --> DONE!

If you have any questions about Phase 1, please feel free to Contact Us!